About Us

In today's society, students face immense stress from academic, social, familial, and extracurricular demands, adding to the challenging burden of grief itself. We've discovered that support from similarly aged peers significantly aids the grieving process. While we cannot eliminate grief, we can create opportunities to lighten its burden on students by fostering a supportive community.



Charlotte Thies

Charlotte Thies

My name is Charlotte Thies, and I lost my father when I was 16 years old. Through experiencing an overwhelming amount of support, I realized how speaking to peers my age helped me but also helped them. After witnessing all of the positive effects from the initial group we established within our school community, Jake and I decided to spread this community beyond our school for others to share as well.

Jake Weidenfeld

Jake Weidenfeld

When I was 12 years old, I lost my father. I felt like no other students were going through what I was going through, and adult "help" was simply not helping. As I started opening up to my brother and peers, I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders, which sparked my desire to spread this feeling to other grieving students.

Our Team

Jessica Horvitz

Jessica Horvitz

An artist and designer devoted to use her creativity to help GREIF Lift reach its full potential and connect with as many people as possible going through the loss of a loved one.

Gabriel Duarte

Gabriel Duarte

A web developer and designer devoted to use his skills to help GREIF Lift reach its full potential and connect with as many people as possible.